Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki - The Wood Farm - Pellet - Charcoal Thessaloniki

Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki - The Wood Farm - Pellet - Charcoal Thessaloniki

12757 Visitors:
Address: Provincial road Moudania - Thessaloniki, Trilofo area
Area: Thessaloniki
Telephone: 6987973487
Mobile: 6981403322
P.C.: 57500
Category: BARBEQUE
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The Wood Farm Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki Our company "The Wood Farm" which is located in Thessaloniki and more specifically in Trilofo, has been active for several years with the trade of solid fuels offering quality and economical products. More specifically in our company you will find excellent quality and dry firewood, pellets and coals for home and professional use. Contact us for any question related to our products or to give us your Order. We serve Trilofo and al...
12757 Visitors:

Provincial road Moudania - Thessaloniki, Trilofo area, Thessaloniki

12757 Visitors:

The Wood Farm
Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki

Our company "The Wood Farm" which is located in Thessaloniki and more specifically in Trilofo, has been active for several years with the trade of solid fuels offering quality and economical products.

More specifically in our company you will find excellent quality and dry firewood, pellets and coals for home and professional use.

Contact us for any question related to our products or to give us your Order. We serve Trilofo and all of Thessaloniki directly.


Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki - The Wood Farm - Pellets - Charcoals - Seasonal Plants Trilofo Thessaloniki Firewood
Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki - The Wood Farm - Pellets - Charcoals - Seasonal Plants Trilofo Thessaloniki Pellet
Firewood Trilofo Thessaloniki - The Wood Farm - Pellets - Charcoals - Seasonal Plants Trilofo Thessaloniki Charcoal
12757 Visitors:

Provincial road Moudania - Thessaloniki, Trilofo area

Telephone: 6987973487
Mobile: 6981403322

Working Hours
